2025 Annual Meeting

When: TBD Early 2025
Time: TBD

Location: TBD

Divisional officers and all others: This meeting is held annually in accordance with our Bylaws and is the meeting in which we will discuss the business of the upcoming year. Although this is a “business meeting”, there is always a chance for any member of the Division to ask and receive answers to questions they may have and a great time for camaraderie outside of an event setting.

Why Attend an Annual Meeting?

  • Get together with all your friends from around the division
  • It’s a chance to get out of town for a little while
  • Learn what’s going on in the division and get the inside scoop
  • Speak out about something that’s been bothering you
  • Present your great ideas to the SowDiv board
  • Help shape the club that you belong to and pay dues to