Grades and Qualifications Of Licensees
Licenses are renewed on the membership anniversary date. Race Registrars are reminded that workers must possess BOTH a valid specialty license and a current SCCA membership card. Licenses will be issued in the following categories:
- Starters
- Flagging and Communications
- Timing and Scoring
- Scrutineering
- Race Control
- Registration
- Sound Control
- Radio Tech
A worker may hold a license in more than one specialty. Only one license upgrade, per specialty, will be issued to any one worker during the membership year if approved by the DA.
Any SCCA speed event worked shall count as participation for license upgrade or renewal (i.e. National ProRallies, etc.). NON-SCCA EVENTS SHALL NOT BE USED TO OBTAIN AN SCCA LICENSE.
Regional Licenses
Regional licenses are issued only to SCCA members by the home region. This license is for persons new to the specialty or to new members. Regions may submit names of members for issuance of regional licenses in any form they choose, as long as the member number, name and specialty are included. It is not necessary to send the applications to the DA. A pre-carbonized application form is also available from the National Office. Regional licenses have no participation requirements for renewal.
Divisional Licenses
Divisional licenses are issued only to SCCA members by the DA if they approve the recommendation made by the applicant’s home region. Active participation as a member of the specialty, rather than the actual nature of the performance, should be the qualifying characteristic. For all new divisional license applications, the applicant’s regional license showing a minimum of four (4) events must be included.
For all licenses being renewed, a photocopy of the participation log card showing at least 4 events worked with the Chief’s signature must be mailed with the application. Any application for upgrade from a regional license must be signed by the RA and the DA for approval.
National Licenses
National licenses are issued by the DA upon recommendation of the member’s home region to those who have performed as a divisional license holder over and extended period of time and have attained a high level of proficiency in the specialty. Renewals are issued after the applicants have properly filled out the application. A photocopy of the participation log showing the Chief’s signature must accompany the application.
The requirements for upgrading to a national license are a minimum of six (6) events worked in a year plus approval or waiver by the DA. National licenses shall not be issued as a reward for tenure, but must be earned. Each division will have different requirements because of a different number of events that are available to be worked in each division. We consider a good mix, to gain or retain a national license, to be three (3) national events worked, two (2) regional events worked, and one (1) driver’s school. The point is, to retain a national license, one should work more than just the “Cream of the Crop.” In some divisions, people have the opportunity to work 20-30 events; in other divisions, workers do not have the opportunity to work more than six (6). Any application for upgrade from a divisional license to a national license must be signed by the RA and the DA for approval.
Senior Licenses
A senior grad specialty license shall be nominated by the DA of the specialty and approved by the Executive Steward of the division.
To be awarded a senior license, an individual shall have:
- Demonstrated a long-term commitment to an individual specialty and the Club.
- Possess outstanding knowledge of, and operations skill in the specialty.
When awarded, a senior grade specialty license shall have the same rights, responsibilities and privileges as a national grade license in that specialty.
Renewal of a senior grade specialty license shall be every three (3) years upon recommendation of the DA and approval of the Executive Steward. There shall be no minimum participation requirements for a senior grade specialty license.